Background of the National Committee
The committee was established in September 2022 as a non-profit association (Association sans but lucratif) under the umbrella of SIMOURQ asbl, registered with RCS number F13843. It officially began its activities in Luxembourg as a subsidiary of SIMOURQ before becoming independent in 2023 to continue its mission of defending human rights and supporting refugees. Over more than three years, the National Committee worked to amplify the voices of vulnerable groups and urge the Luxembourg government to uphold its human rights commitments.
Reason for Dissolution: Protest Against Inhumane Policies
The official statement reads:
The committee emphasized that the decision to expel refugee families from temporary shelters amid a housing crisis and during the harsh winter is an inhumane act that jeopardizes the safety and dignity of these individuals. According to the committee, such policies not only contradict the fundamental principles of human rights but also tarnish Luxembourg's international reputation.
Continuing Activities in Another Country
While the National Committee is ending its official operations in Luxembourg, this does not mark the end of its mission to defend human rights. The organization has announced plans to resume its activities in another country that demonstrates stronger adherence to human rights values.
Reactions to the National Committee's Decision
As of now, there has been no official response from government authorities or international organizations regarding this decision. However, it is expected that this move will serve as a serious warning about the state of human rights in Luxembourg, attracting the attention of human rights activists and international media.
The dissolution may act as a clear signal to Luxembourg authorities to reconsider their policies and take effective steps to support refugee rights and uphold humanitarian principles. Failure to do so could lead to a decline in Luxembourg's international standing in the field of human rights.
The National Committee's decision to dissolve its activities in Luxembourg is more than just a protest against the restrictive policies of the new government; it is a symbol of resilience in the ongoing fight for human rights. While the doors of the committee's office in Luxembourg may close, its call for justice will resonate in another country where human dignity and human rights principles are respected.
Official Announcement
Dissolution of the National Committee in Protest of Blatant Human Rights and Refugee Rights Violations in Luxembourg
With deep regret and sorrow, the National Committee announces that due to the adoption of inhumane policies by the Luxembourg government—particularly the decision to expel refugee families from temporary shelters during the winter season and the gross violations of refugee rights—it is no longer possible to continue our activities in this country. Therefore, as a sign of protest, we are formally ending our official activities in Luxembourg.
The National Committee, which has consistently defended human rights and supported refugees, has worked independently and voluntarily for over two years to amplify the voices of the oppressed to international bodies and encourage Luxembourg policymakers to uphold their human rights obligations. However, not only did we receive no support from the government, but we also faced increasing pressures and restrictions on refugees and human rights advocacy groups, severely limiting the space for humanitarian work and support for the most vulnerable in society.
The new policies of the Luxembourg government, which blatantly contradict fundamental human rights principles and international standards for refugee protection, deeply wound the conscience of every free individual. The decision to expel refugee families from temporary shelters amid a severe housing crisis is unacceptable and contrary to humanitarian values. This action not only endangers the safety and dignity of these individuals but also stains the record of a country that has long claimed to champion human rights.
In these circumstances, the National Committee has decided to express its protest through a decisive and principled action. Therefore, in protest against this blatant injustice and to preserve our dignity and independence, we are suspending our official activities in Luxembourg. However, our commitment to humanitarian ideals and the defense of human rights will never cease. As an unofficial entity, the committee will continue to collaborate with other human rights organizations and utilize all legal and international tools to combat these blatant human rights violations.
We are deeply grateful to all colleagues, volunteers, and supporters who have accompanied us on this path. We emphasize that this decision will never silence our call for justice. Our mission to defend human rights, freedom, and justice will continue with greater determination than ever before.
With respect and unwavering determination,
The National Committee (Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Iran)
January 31, 2025 - Luxembourg