Yellow Ribbons Return: Free Fruit on Luxembourg's Trees

Luxembourg, September 7, 2024
For the fourth consecutive year, Luxembourg's Ministry of Agriculture has launched its "Yellow Ribbon" campaign, symbolizing the fight against food waste. When a yellow ribbon adorns a tree, it indicates that the fruit can be picked for free.
Martine Hansen, Luxembourg's Minister of Agriculture, highlighted the campaign's success, stating, "The goal of this initiative is to prevent hundreds of kilograms of fruit from rotting on or beneath trees while optimizing the use of local produce."
In 2024, the program has expanded to include 64 urban and rural areas. The Ministry of Agriculture reports that apple trees are the most commonly marked under this initiative, with apple harvesting commencing in most regions from September.

Rules for Fruit Pickers:
  • Only pick fruit from trees marked with a yellow ribbon.
  • Climbing trees or using ladders is prohibited.
  • Do not damage the tree.
  • Fruit is for personal consumption only.
  • Collect only as much as needed.
  • Leave the natural environment as you found it.
  • Avoid obstructing access paths.
  • Fruit collection is at your own risk and responsibility.

Rules for Tree Owners:
  • Trees must be fully accessible for picking.
  • Trees should not be located in areas where livestock graze.
  • Yellow ribbons must be clearly visible on the trees.
  • Each tree must be individually marked with a yellow ribbon.
  • Ribbons can be added to or removed from trees at any time.
  • This campaign is part of Luxembourg's broader efforts to prevent food waste and promote local fruit consumption.

Important Note: In Luxembourg, picking agricultural produce or fruit from someone else’s tree without permission can be considered theft. Even if fruit falls from a neighbor's tree onto your property, it still belongs to the tree’s owner, and you need permission to pick or collect it. Unauthorized picking can result in police involvement, legal action, and potential fines or imprisonment depending on the value of the fruit and specific legal circumstances.
To avoid legal issues, always seek permission before harvesting fruit from someone else’s tree.

New "Return House" Opens in Kirchberg for Refugees

Luxembourg, September 7, 2024
Léon Gloden, Luxembourg's Minister of the Interior, announced the opening of a new "Return House" in the Kirchberg district during an interview with RTL. The center, which began operations on September 1, is designed to support asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected and who are currently residing unlawfully in Luxembourg.
The facility, which has a capacity of 170 to 180 individuals, is currently housing approximately 40 men. Starting October 1, the center will also accommodate women and children. The primary aim of the center is to provide social support to rejected asylum seekers for their return to their home countries or relocation to other EU member states.
Minister Gloden stressed that these individuals are residing illegally in the country and must leave Luxembourg. While Luxembourg maintains a humanitarian stance on asylum matters, this initiative is part of a responsible immigration policy aimed at preventing undue strain on the community.

Return House: Open Structure and Support for Return
Unlike detention centers, the "Return House" operates with an open structure. The center offers financial assistance to individuals returning to their home countries, with amounts varying from 300 to 3,000 euros depending on the destination. Gloden also highlighted a 25% decrease in asylum applications this year and the return of approximately 132 asylum seekers since the beginning of the year.

Enhanced Border Control and Future Migration
The Minister emphasized the need to strengthen external border controls of the European Union, stating that internal border controls are not seen as an effective solution. He also noted the necessity for a coordinated European approach regarding the return of asylum seekers to conflict zones such as Afghanistan and Syria, indicating that the return of women to Afghanistan is currently not under consideration.

Warning: Recall of Contaminated Frozen Raw Shrimp in Luxembourg

Luxembourg, September 7, 2024
The Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA) has announced a recall of thawed raw shrimp branded under Auchan due to contamination with the bacterium Vibrio vulnificus.
Vibrio vulnificus can cause foodborne illnesses, potentially leading to mild gastrointestinal issues in healthy individuals. However, for those with compromised immune systems or chronic illnesses, it can result in severe infections or even sepsis. Additionally, there is a risk of skin infections from pre-existing wounds if there is contact with the contaminated shrimp.
ALVA has stated that any updates regarding this recall will be published on their official portal at .
Consumers, especially those who have purchased these products, are advised to refrain from consuming them and to return the items to the store.

Possible Glass Contamination in "Ja!" Cashew Nut Packs

Luxembourg, September 7, 2024
The Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA) has issued a recall for cashew nuts branded "Ja!" due to potential health hazards.
The recall concerns the possible presence of glass as a foreign object, which poses a risk of choking or internal injuries if ingested.
The affected cashew nuts are sold in 200-gram packages with an expiration date of 28/02/2025. The products are identified by the following barcodes: 4388860059755, 4337256114844, 4337256179218, 4388844023796, and 4337256447713.
Customers who have purchased these products are advised not to consume them and to return the items to the place of purchase for a refund.

Approaching New Salary Increase in Luxembourg

Luxembourg, September 7, 2024
Despite a decrease in overall inflation rates, consumer prices in Luxembourg rose in August, signaling a likely salary increase in the fourth quarter of 2024.
According to Luxembourg's Statistics Institute (Statec), the average price index has climbed from 1009.24 to 1011.17 over the past six months. This trend indicates that a new phase of salary increases is imminent. When the index reaches 1013.46, the salary adjustments will take effect, which is expected to occur within the next three months.

Ongoing Inflation Trends
While the general inflation rate continues to decline, with the annual rate falling from 2.0% in July to 1.7% in August, there are notable shifts in specific sectors.

Impact of End of Summer Discounts
Despite a drop in fuel prices over the summer, consumer prices, particularly for clothing and footwear, have risen following the end of summer sales. For instance, clothing and footwear prices surged by 16% compared to July.

Stability in Food Prices and Drop in Communication Costs
Food prices remained stable overall in August, with some items like olive oil and confectionery experiencing price reductions. Additionally, telecommunications services such as mobile phone and internet costs saw a decrease, although these services have generally increased compared to last year.
These indicators reflect the impact of the end of summer discounts and various changes in the prices of goods and services, which could influence household budgets and heighten the likelihood of salary increases in the coming months.

Continuing Caritas Operations in Luxembourg

Luxembourg, September 7, 2024
Following the Luxembourg government's initial decision to cut financial aid to the charity organization Caritas, Prime Minister Luc Frieden has revised this stance, announcing the establishment of a "New Caritas" in the coming weeks.
In a press conference, Frieden stated, "We are committed to ensuring that Caritas’s activities, which support vulnerable members of our community, continue." He emphasized that most of the services will remain operational in Luxembourg, including daycares, refugee shelters, and homeless shelters, though they will now operate under a new structural oversight.
The Prime Minister also confirmed that the previous management of Caritas was replaced due to a financial scandal, and a crisis committee has taken over the administration. Frieden added that all previous agreements with the government have been canceled, and new agreements will be made with the "New Caritas," which will be subject to stricter oversight.

Details on Financial Scandal
Regarding the €60 million embezzlement scandal involving Caritas, Prime Minister Frieden assured that no government funds were lost. He explained that half of the stolen amount was sourced from the organization’s own finances and the other half from bank loans. Expressing anger over the incident, he promised that the government would make every effort to recover the misappropriated funds.

Storing Explosives at Home: What Is Legal?

Luxembourg, September 7, 2024
This week, a fire in a southern Luxembourg residence, likely caused by the storage of flammable materials, has raised a critical question: What are the legal regulations for storing dangerous and explosive materials at home, and are damages covered by insurance in the event of an accident?
First, it's essential to distinguish between professional and residential activities. Under Luxembourg law, the storage of flammable and explosive materials, such as fireworks and firecrackers, by private individuals is highly regulated.
The Director of the Association of Insurance Companies (ACA) explains that the quantity and type of materials stored are crucial factors. While holding a small number of fireworks may be legally permissible, storing large quantities of such materials could be illegal and hazardous.
Moreover, if these materials cause a fire, insurance coverage might be denied. The storage of flammable substances like gasoline, gas canisters, and oil is also subject to restrictions. For instance, keeping a 5-liter can of gasoline for lawnmower use is acceptable, but storing large volumes of these substances can lead to issues.
The storage of firearms is also governed by stringent regulations. Guns must be stored in a locked location, separate from ammunition. Additionally, obtaining a permit is essential for insurance coverage in case of an incident.
Finally, the ACA Director advises individuals with questions to contact their insurance representative to ensure compliance with all regulations.