Notorious Smuggler Identified in Kirchberg, Luxembourg Following the Tragic Death of an Iraqi Girl in the English Channel

Luxembourg - June 30, 2024
In April, a tragic incident unfolded in the English Channel involving an illegal crossing by a group of migrants from France to England, resulting in the deaths of five migrants, including a seven-year-old Iraqi girl named Sara. Prompted by this event, a team of BBC journalists undertook a serious investigation to uncover and apprehend individuals identified as migrant smugglers involved in the incident.
BBC conducted meticulous inquiries across Calais, France, and Belgium, culminating in the identification of a key figure linked to the incident. This individual, known as "Jabal" (meaning mountain in Arabic), was directly implicated in migrant smuggling activities.

Identification of "Jabal" in Kirchberg
Following BBC's investigation, reporters successfully located "Jabal" in the Kirchberg area of Luxembourg. Known primarily as a renowned financial and business hub, Luxembourg has now been identified as a residence and retreat for smugglers like "Jabal," possibly seeking temporary refuge or altering their identities. Recent investigations have confirmed that "Jabal" is actually Rebwar Abas Zangana, a Kurdish man from northern Iraq. He is unmarried and appears to be a devout Muslim. Rebwar himself is an immigrant with an uncertain residency status, having recently resided in areas such as Calais, Brussels, and Antwerp, indicative of a nomadic lifestyle across Europe. Rebwar, or "Jabal," is a well-known smuggler who has collaborated with two partners in migrant smuggling activities. Sources suggest the existence of a potentially influential and higher-ranking individual in Iraq overseeing or involved in their operations.

Claims and Responses of "Jabal"
During interactions with BBC reporters, "Jabal" vehemently denied any involvement in the tragic incident, dismissing the allegations against him. However, gathered information and evidence indicate "Jabal's" persistent engagement in migrant smuggling activities.

Connection with French Authorities
BBC journalists have provided the gathered information to French authorities, who are currently leading the primary investigation into the incident and the deaths of Sara and other migrants. As of now, French authorities have not provided any official comments on the matter.
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Warning: Avoid Consumption of These Cheese Products

Luxembourg - June 30, 2024
The Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA - Administration luxembourgeoise vétérinaire et alimentaire) has taken action to recall and withdraw support for several types of cheese, including the Shawinigan AOP cheese.
It has been confirmed that several types of cheese, including Crottin de Chavignol AOP with 45% fat content, as well as Auchan brand Crottin de Chavignol AOP, have been found to contain E.coli O26 bacteria. The first product weighs 60 grams, bears barcode number 3184670010525, has an expiration date of June 29, 2024, and batch number 123-01. The second cheese is packaged as 2x60 grams, with barcode number 3596710333356 and expiration date of June 29, 2024. Both products share the batch number 123-01.
Escherichia coli bacteria can cause gastroenteritis with symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, fever, and in severe cases, kidney complications in children within the first week of consuming these products. Individuals who have consumed these products and experience similar symptoms are advised to seek medical attention and inform their healthcare provider about their consumption.
These products may have been distributed through various retail points across Luxembourg.

Luxembourg Families Most Dissatisfied in the European Union

Luxembourg - June 30, 2024
Residents of Luxembourg express the lowest satisfaction with their leisure time compared to other Europeans.
In 2022, expectations were high for improving the quality of leisure time across European Union residents. However, Eurostat reports reveal concerning trends, especially for Luxembourg, which scored 6.5 out of 10, marking one of the lowest satisfaction rates with leisure time in the EU.
The greatest dissatisfaction is notably among families with children, rating their leisure time quality at 5.4, placing them at the bottom rank among EU countries. These findings indicate that both men and women in Luxembourg are similarly dissatisfied, scoring 6.4 and 6.5 respectively for leisure time satisfaction.
Comparison with countries such as Finland, Denmark, and Slovenia, which scored higher than 7 out of 10, underscores Luxembourg's less favorable position. This clearly highlights the need for deeper analysis and effective measures to enhance conditions.
Ultimately, factors such as age, marital status, and educational level in Luxembourg significantly influence leisure time satisfaction. However, the results of this report underscore the necessity for thorough examination and impactful initiatives to improve the quality of life during leisure time for Luxembourg residents.