Friendly Picnic at Echternach Lake

Luxembourg - July 8, 2024
The Turkuaz Cultural Association proudly invites you to a friendly barbecue-themed picnic on July 13, 2024, at 3:00 PM, at Echternach Lake (Lac d'Echternach).
This event is an excellent opportunity for gathering and enjoying a pleasant afternoon with friends and family. The participation fee is €10 for adults, while children can join for free. Various engaging activities will be organized for children to ensure they have a joyful experience as well.
For reservations and more information, please send an email to .
We look forward to seeing you at this memorable event!

Urgent Warning: Scam Calls with Fake Luxembourg Numbers Masquerading as Europol

Luxembourg - July 8, 2024

In recent days, multiple reports have been received by the police regarding suspicious phone calls from fake Luxembourg numbers. These calls, seemingly orchestrated by professional scammers, aim to access the personal and sensitive information of their victims.
A resident recently reported receiving a call from an apparent Luxembourg number. Upon answering, a recorded message played, claiming the call was from "Europol." This claim is entirely false and has no connection to the European Police Office.

Critical Police Advice:
The police warn that there has been a significant increase in these fraudulent calls, where offenders use the technique of "Call ID Spoofing" to deceive victims and gain access to their personal information. This technique allows scammers to display fake numbers as legitimate ones, making victims believe the call is from a credible source, such as a Luxembourg mobile number or an official authority.

Preventive Measures:
To avoid falling victim to these fake calls, consider the following tips:
  • Never share your personal and confidential information with unknown individuals.
  • Be suspicious of calls that urge you to act quickly.
  • If in doubt, contact the relevant authority or organization through usual communication methods to verify the legitimacy of the call.
  • If the fraudulent calls persist, immediately inform your phone operator.
  • Regularly check your phone bill for any unexpected charges.
  • In the event of any damage resulting from these calls, contact your nearest police station and report it.

For more information and preventive advice, visit the official police website:

Senior Officer Suspended Over Sexual Abuse Allegations

Luxembourg - July 8, 2024
According to reliable news sources, a senior military officer in Luxembourg has been suspended following allegations of sexual abuse made by a soldier. This decision came after a young soldier filed a complaint against the veteran officer in May.

Details of the Incident
The Luxembourg Ministry of Defense has stated that these allegations are being taken very seriously, and judicial investigations have been ongoing for over a month. Defense Minister Yuriko Backes, along with senior military officials, were immediately informed of the complaint and took necessary actions. The accused officer was suspended a week after the incident and has been barred from entering the Härebierg barracks in Diekirch and from contacting the victim.

Reactions and Consequences
The incident has sparked widespread reactions in the community and media. The Ministry of Defense has announced that it will do everything possible to follow up on this matter and ensure justice is served. If the allegations of abuse of power by the accused officer are proven, his penalties under criminal law may be doubled.

Legal Implications
The case is now under the scrutiny of an investigating judge. While the presumption of innocence remains, if the investigation confirms that the officer abused his position, his potential penalties may be more severe. The Luxembourg Ministry of Defense and the military have emphasized that they will not tolerate any violation of human and ethical rights within the army and will deal with all cases of abuse strictly.

Scandal in Luxembourg Police: Officer Ridiculed for His Accent

Luxembourg - July 8, 2024
In recent weeks, a video from inside a Luxembourg police station has surfaced on social media, sparking significant reactions. The video, recorded at the central police station in Luxembourg City, shows officers mocking and insulting a colleague due to his French accent.

Incident Details
The officer, who holds dual nationality and previously worked for the French police, was on duty and requesting identity verification of an individual over the radio. Instead of receiving a professional response, his colleagues mocked him for his accent and made racist remarks. One officer responded to his request with, "What is this?" Another replied, "It’s a Frenchman." The first officer then said, "It doesn’t concern me, this idiot should learn my language (Luxembourgish)."

Police Response
The Luxembourg Police press unit has acknowledged the existence of the video, which shows officers mocking a colleague and making inappropriate remarks. They emphasized that such behaviors are entirely contrary to the values of the Luxembourg Police and will not be tolerated.

Actions Taken
The Luxembourg Ministry of Defense confirmed that necessary measures have been taken to investigate the matter, and initial steps have been implemented. These include internal duty changes within the police station. Additionally, the prosecution office and the Inspectorate General of Police have been informed of the video's existence, and an investigation is underway.

Other Instances of Racist Behavior
This incident is not an isolated case of racism within the Luxembourg Police force. Previous reports have highlighted racist and discriminatory conduct by police officers, which has provoked strong public reactions. Such incidents underscore the urgent need for fundamental changes in the organizational culture and training within the police to prevent the recurrence of such behaviors.
The incident has not only garnered widespread media coverage but also sparked extensive debates about racist and discriminatory behaviors within the police force. The Luxembourg Police must address these issues with greater seriousness and implement measures to prevent such behaviors from occurring.

Bad News: Skyrocketing Rents in Luxembourg

Luxembourg - July 8, 2024
Despite the new Luxembourg government’s promises to control the housing market and stabilize prices, the current reality shows these pledges remain unfulfilled. Rents continue to rise sharply, placing significant pressure on tenants.

Unfulfilled Government Promises
According to a report from the platform atHome, the national average rent increased by 3.7% in the second quarter of the year. The new government, at the beginning of its term, had promised to control the housing market and prevent uncontrolled price hikes through comprehensive programs and effective policies. However, with a 3.9% increase in apartment rents and a 1.5% rise in house rents, it is evident that these promises have failed.
All regions of Luxembourg have been affected by this increase, but the western region has experienced the most significant pressure, with an average rent of €2,169 compared to €2,143 in the central region.

Rent Rates in Different Regions
In other parts of the country, the average rent remains lower:
  • Eastern region: €1,918
  • Southern Luxembourg: €1,687
  • Northern Luxembourg: €1,473
This surge occurs as Luxembourg witnesses one of the fastest housing price growth rates in the European Union. Although rents have increased by 17% in recent years, this is modest compared to the 131% rise in home purchase prices. Nevertheless, the financial strain on tenants is substantial.
Rents have soared due to the new government’s inability to control the housing market and its failure to deliver on its promises. Experts believe that the government’s policies in this area have been insufficient and ineffective. Non-governmental organizations like Caritas Luxembourg have urged politicians to address this crisis with more immediate and effective measures.

Warning About a Cheese Sold in Luxembourg

Luxembourg - July 8, 2024
The Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA) has announced the recall of Cantal Entre-Deux AOP cheese from the Auchan brand due to the presence of Escherichia coli O26 bacteria.

Product Details
The affected cheese was sold between June 7 and July 4. ALVA emphasizes that this bacterium can cause hemorrhagic gastroenteritis with or without fever within a week of consumption and can lead to severe kidney complications in young children.

Individuals who have consumed this product and are experiencing the mentioned symptoms are advised to consult a doctor and report their consumption of this product. Please heed this warning and refrain from consuming the product if purchased.

Blue Signs and Red Paths for Cyclist Safety

Luxembourg - July 8, 2024
The government is set to implement two new measures to enhance the safety of cyclists on dangerous bike routes.

New Measures for Greater Safety has announced that the Roads and Bridges Administration plans to install blue signs reminding drivers to maintain a 1.5-meter distance when passing cyclists. These signs will be placed on national roads where there is no separator between cars and bicycles. The aim of this initiative is to improve cyclist safety.

Painting Dangerous Routes
Yuriko Backes, the Minister of Transport, informed ProVelo that bike paths in hazardous areas will be painted red. The president of ProVelo considers these measures "important steps" towards greater cyclist safety.

Cycling Rally for Safety
To "protest for safe bike routes," will hold a cycling rally in Luxembourg on July 13, starting at 2 PM. Between 500 and 1,000 participants are expected to join the 6 to 7-kilometer route in the capital.
These actions reflect the government's commitment to improving the safety and convenience of cyclists, encouraging the use of bicycles as a sustainable mode of transportation. For more information, you can visit the website.